PLM Davidson Plum ● Riberry ● Strawberry Gum [6 pack cans]

Every Time Choose Health Non alcoholic, adult sparkling beverages

Berry, aromatic, dry with fruit sweetness. Mouthfeel: Coating, lingering berries, refreshing, weight = silk midweight. Primary Fruit: Strawberry, cherry, violets, plum, perfumed, musk, watermelon, fresh crisp red apples.


Davidson Plum:High in anti oxidants, twice that of blueberries. High in lutein, folate (vitamin B9), magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, potassium, manganese, copper.

Riberry:Riberries have exceptional health benefits, being higher than blueberries in antioxidant activity and folic acid as well as containing vitamin E. High in Calcium, sodium, magnesium, iron, manganese, potassium and copper.

    Strawberry Gum:High in antioxidants, the leaves contain chemicals that are antimicrobial against foodborne human pathogens, food spoilage bacteria and yeasts and will assist in keeping a healthy microbial balance in the human gut.

    FOOD MATCHES Pairs beautifully with Quail, fig and prosciutto, soft herb salads with fruits such as native berries or pomegranate.


    Etch Sparkling, no sugar for our Citrus (ZST)  No Preservatives, no artificial anything.

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