Kangaroo and Emu are delicious lean game meats. Often available in-store.
Serves 6-8
Group 1
320 g Kangaroo meat (minced)
150 g bacon (with fat roughly chopped)
Group 2
10 g onion (finely diced)
1 garlic clove (crushed)
5 ml brandy
30 ml cream
6 only crushed Tasmanian Peppercorns
5 ml lemon juice
5 ml orange juice
1 egg (beaten)
5 g bush tomato (crushed)
Group 3
150 g Speck (smoked and thinly sliced)
100 g Emu fan fillet (thinly sliced)
Chill the ingredients well before starting.
Place Group 1 in a food processor and blend in small batches to desired consistency - smooth or chunky. Chill batches as completed for best results and flavour.
Add ingredients in Group 2 and season to taste - chill mixture.
Using Group 3 ingredients, line a terrine with speck and add some of the filling and then half the emu. Repeat the process until the terrine is filled, distributing the emu cabana evenly - top with mixture from Group 2. Decorate with speck.
Cover the terrine with a lid or heavy foil - cook in a bain-marie for 1.5 hours in an oven at 170 C / 338 F. Once cooked through, allow to cool. Refrigerate overnight before turning out.
Serve cold with a fresh salad, finished with Lemon Myrtle Salad Dressing; or place thinly sliced on your charcuterie board accompanied by My Dilly Bag Bush Tomato Relish.
Recipe by Aunty Dale